Limits only exist in your imagination

Shine like a star


Your energy can be a medicine, as well as it can be a curse. When we choose health and happiness over drama and stagnation, our own energy becomes our own medicine, allowing us to activate the healing energy within our body. Healing is a journey; along the way we learn to transmute, clear and transform the wounds experienced during childhood and adulthood into golden elixirs of wisdom.

We've all experienced pain, loss and traumas in some way, and we all process and express these painful periods in our lives differently. Sometimes we've chosen very unhealthy ways. This is how our own energy can become our curse.

Energy Medicine allows us to connect the pieces of our past to our present. No longer a victim of the fate of past events, we set a new course towards the desired destiny.

As an energy medicine practioner I setup the framework, you perform the daily maintenance and running of your programs. I guide you along the way, helping you to release what no longer serves you. As well as, assist you in making the choices and responses to life as it unfolds in real time that will move you towards your desired goals.



Charging your 7 main chakras and fields with luminous light. Followed by removal of stagnant patterns; clouds, mucus & miasma. Cost: $150.00

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Imprint Removal

Clearing the traumas and pain originating from ancestral, womb and personal experiences, that are blocking you, and informing your current reality. Cost: $150.00 (Illumination Included)

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Extractions, Cord Cutting and Object Removal

Removing an energy, entity or object in your field, serving as a blockage or hinderance to your personal growth. Cost: $200.00 (Illumination included)

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Chakra and Organ Restructuring

Energetic restructuring and charging of one chakra or organ; with the energy from all fields. Cost: $150.00 (Illumination Included)

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Stress Web Removal, Meridian Clearing and DNA Reset

Clearing anger and anxiety held within your Kidneys, releiving the stress patterns created. Clearing the Meridian lines of the Heart and Lungs; increasing the flow of both blood and oxygyen circulation in your body. Resetting of the "master gland", the Pituitary gland, through the Third eye chakra. Cost:$150.00 (Illumination Included)

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Soul Retreival

The objective of a Soul Retreival session is to bring the missing pieces of the client back, bringing them closer to wholeness. Throughout various events in our lives, as well as at birth; pieces of our soul retreat. When we feel that there's something deep inside us waiting to be birthed and become, or a hidden talent never explored....that's a part of our soul that wasn't allowed to be, or didnt feel safe, and left. The Shaman takes a journey to the lower world and brings back information on the clients behalf, that can assist them to understand their original wound, bring back their gifts, missing soul piece and power animal. The client now has these tools to write a new soul contract and begin a new chapter. Cost:$200.00 (Imprint Removal Included)

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Destiny Retreival Session

The Retreival of our original design. Before the layers of timelines, cultures and traditions. Before the titles, imprints and matrixed realities, who were you and what was your mission? Cost:$75.00 ( 1 hour session ) Cost:$150.00 (Illumination Included)

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Dream Analysis Session

A dream analysis session allows you the dreamer to decode the images of your subconsciuos mind. What are the symbols and people that have appeared in your dreams, communicating to you? We unlock the deeper meanings and messages of the symbolism experienced in the dream realm. Cost:$75.00 Cost:$150.00 (Illumination Included)

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Death Rights, Rituals and Preparation Sessions

Shamanic Services include: 🌈 Seven (7) Chakra Illumination, 🌀The Great Death Spiral, 🎭 Deathbed Sacred Drama and⚱Surrogate Death Rite Journey. Quoted Prices Only

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Ancestor Constellation Session

Connecting with our ancestors and passed loved ones for needed conversations, closures and healings. Cost:$ 150.00

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Three (3) Session Package

Choose any three (3) sessions OR three (3) sessions of any one particular service for a $150.00 discount. Cost:$300.00

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Meditations & Mantras

108 Breaths and Chakra Alchemy Meditation (Zoom Link) and Daily Mantras that you may find useful for your soul growth and evolution goals.

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Hello February - My Sacred Month with The Divine

I Love February, its become my birthing month. Setting the momentum and planting the seeds for my year ahead.

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2021 Outlook - Truth, Be Told.

Observing the Principle of Polarity with the eyes of Oneness. We are in a season of multiple truths.

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  • Nassau, New Providence District, Bahamas

All Inqueries, Orders and/or Curiosities are welcomed!! No such thing as a stupid question, so feel free to ask me anything. We are all here to grow. It's my pleasure and soul purpose to serve your evolution, assist in your healing and be a guide along your journey. Happy Healing 🤍🌈⭐🌻🌹

2023 Outlook

2023 Outlook

Energetic and Intuitive Outlook of 2023. A year of 7 Energy~from the shadow of Division we rise to the gift of Guidance and unfold as Virtue.

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Spirit Prescription by AAA²

Spirit Prescription by AAA²

This Oracle Reading uses The Sacred Geometry Visionary Path Oracle Deck. This is a Collective Reading. To book a personal session email AAA² @ or

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