All truths are but half truths; because we mostly choose to deny the wholeness of a matter. We then choose a side, we see something as darkness or something as light. An action as good or bad. A story as truth vs fiction. Never acknowledging that everything holds an opposite and wholeness comes with all opposites in unity, everything in balance with its common-unity and with its alignment with source.
As we explore this year of 2021 and a new dimension for humanity adorn yourself with the tools of the Chemist. We must Alchemize everything to our highest good, and highest intentions for all. Standing as an element not willing to be transformed by the moment that meets you will bring more disharmony, dis-ease and density (heaviness).
Listen to the voice within that guides you, it is your soul attempting to get your attention, inviting you to the harmony and bliss of your Soul's alignment. Your Ego will try to convince you to shut up, stay in the shadows of your mind. And remember the point of it all, is You. Its not about anything you can buy or sell or drive or build or vote into placement. Its not even about your beleives, because most of them we hold so dear and willing to die and fight and argue each other for are buried in half truths. Its all just about You evolving into the best and brightest You. Yes, you are worth it all!!!!
We are stepping out of the shadows we've been comfortably hiding in, we are emerging into the light of our own being, we are returning to our original designs, full of light and full of love. No longer feeling victimized, betrayed, disadvantaged, fearful and/or powerless. If you identify with any of these emotions, the events you experience in 2021 are happenning to help you clear them, they will no longer serve you. We are doing this in another sea(sun) of chaos but also with an air of transparency and rebirth. Recharging us into our divine Beings. This sea(son) will purify, cleanse, restore and provide more of the movement we need for our growth. Water never looses its powers. As we shed the shadows of history and self, we will also be stepping into the light and truth of this beautiful universe of darkness and light. Humanity, Collective, Multiverse and Self. Individualized yet acknowledging, observing and honoring the diverisity of the entire collective.
It will be an exploration of different consciousness and being a multi-dimensional being, holding to the truth that we are all connected at the center of our hearts.
Your Energy is Your Medicine
Happy HealingAA137🤍🌈⭐