A Season of Being New

I Am Nu 

Emerging from the womb of my past creations. 

Passing through the canal of existence

Crying , Melting as the old is torn from my griped tired hands. The pain of old comforts exiting oozing through each bone as I crawl closer to this new reality. 

New finger prints forming, grasping wanting and weaving for what still is out of sight. Forging through this canal to be birthed again.

Crawling out of the womb, crying and shouting



The deep silence of Acceptance, and Death. With a deep Intake and slow Exhale of Breath. 


Heart Beating

Intuition Anchoring

Body Allowing everything

Body Releasing Everything

Mourning and RE~JOY~SING in madness and delight.

Crawling and Crying out of the dentrite's tearing duct from past to present SELF just for the arrival and Emergence to yet another 

Womb of my new world

Walking in Beauty,Creating and Knowing that I am sure to Rise and

Crawl again. 

And so I LAUGH, at my journey, then RECORD it to REMEMBER. A future moment will bridge me back here, and this too will serve me well. 

It's a season of Being New, and saying No,Thank you!! 

Inspired by my mysterious becoming


After this poem emerged from within me I decided to dive into Gene Key 61. I was amazed to see the reflection of my feelings within the current world theme Gene Key 61, Jan 11-16th. 

Gems and Notes:

Gene Key 61 (by Richard Rudd)

Psychosis, Inspiration, Sanctity

💎Psychosis is Maya ~ the great illusion~ and ordinary state of mass consciousness the world is in today. 

💎Inspiration and Creation

Despite it's wonderful creative manifestations in the world, Inspiration involves a powerful dismantling of the inner realities that have been built by your mind. 

💎True Inspiration

Prepares you for an even greater experience 

Destroys some aspect of your inner delusion this releasing a great surge of trapped energy into your body and life

💎God is Pressure


Is being completely empty and endlessly full

Is the human vehicle manifesting pure universal awareness

Is becoming the mystery of who you are