Dream Symbols & Meditation Messages

Two powerful symbols and messages received this week.  

🐍The shedded skin of a snake

🌴The Tree of Life

Monday 1/9~ morning I woke from the dream space with a lingering image. 

I was standing in a forest with friends observing the recent shedding of a snake.  Every Shaman and shaman practioner understands this symbolism; it indicates the birthing of something new and the leaving behind of something old. 

It's also the animal of The South direction; the first point on the Medicine Wheel of new life & transformation.

The next  day, 1/10~ I ventured outside for meditation and the message I heard was "Be The Tree of Life." My inner Tree began talking to me ~ 

🌳Roots firmly grounded with Mother Nature.

🌴Center receiving and transmitting energy, filled and flowing with magnetic energy 

🎋Branches spread out in all directions; supportive and resilient. 

🥭Bearing fruits and flowers that serve to beautify and nourish you and others🌺

🏠 Home and a place of comfort to many; animals and people

🪵Adaptable by its Nature ~ offering it's Strength and Support in all it's forms. Both broken into pieces and whole. 

I am weaving these images and messages into this new Cycle of 7 we are now navigating. And it hit me. The shedded snake and the ever renewing tree. The tree too sheds so beautifully, "metamorphing" itself within each of the 4 seasons of life. It's leaves fall, shed, decompose.  Becoming mulch and new earth, fresh soil allowing new seeds to bring forth new trees. 

It's all New. It's alllllll new??? So does this mean our Karmas have been cleared too? Wow!! Of course!! Yes!!! Why not!!!  

Sidenote: negative Karma~ the negative "Cause" action that manifested the unwanted/negative "Effect. Ancestral Karma~ the imprints we hold in our genetics through our DNA and ancestry. 

I asked myself ~What's the point of doing years of shadow work and sub conscious clearing, if you're  still carrying the weight/gravity of the past with you?  Clearing your negative Karma and cutting bonds & attachments also allows you a freedom from a point or source of dissatisfaction and thus, detaches you from more density. I'll prob create some new density but that's OK~ I hold the know-how and carry the tools to clear it before I allow it to claim me. 😂😂😂🪄💎🐍 . 

Disharmony to Harmony That's the magical wand of wisdom. That's the reality whip of growth and humaness. There's always a breaking that projects you into that new spiral upward flow.

So what's a~ new emptied and karma free mindset feel like:

free from carrying the weight of one's past Karma. 

free from attachments to past traumas, events, toxic habits, choices and people

It feels really good!! It feels like Joy, Celebration and Wholeness. It feels like Love, Forgiveness and Acceptance. It feels like Harmony. 

I feel ready, open, wise and honest. It feels like I'm flying into a new and unknown territory; so I'm observing all that I'm passing while in flight.  It's exciting and bursting at my seems. It feels lighter and FULL FILLED!! 

And, it is my conscious decision. That will be sustained through Accountability;  Conscious actions, Daily affirmations, Stillness and Meditation, Aligned partnerships, Intuitive responses and Discernment and Wise decisions. I"ve also aligned with some "Accountability Friends and new communities as partners to keep me honest and on mission. Gather yourself with an A list team of friends and associates, who are able to inspire you by being themselves, care enough to critique you and loving enough to listen and respond to you when needed.

The more I meditate on it, it all brings me to thinking about, The Garden of Eden a timeless place and moment of choice and destiny. "Row Row Row your boat~ gently down a stream. Merrilly Merrilly Merrilly Merrilly~ life is but ...A dream. Our new boats await their new captains. 

Humanity is at another choice point, a golden fork is in the road. The Garden of Eden moment lies at our fingers, minds and feet~ allowing us all to walk forward with the "light-nest" and "less-sons" of our past.

Yesssssss~ it's a big and brand new Cycle of Life. 

Yessssss ~ Your old snake is dead and new skin is empty and shinning with clarity and radiance. 

Yessssssss ~ Your tree of life is ready to bloom it's new flowers and bear new fruits. 

Only you can allow that Grace, Love and Forgiveness for yourself. Only you!!!  


Say "Yes" to all the New that's aligned for you.  Say "No" to all that wants to keep the old you cycling in a repetition of madness, mayhem & misery. 

As my wise, good friend and Life Coach Stanya Davis, said to me yesterday, "we are in the season of Star Fishing!!! 


What will a karma free you BECOME? I'm excited to discover this new ME and YOU. We are doing it for a better humanity.  Just the sound of it brings me more and more JOY!!