05 Feb

 Februaury is my second favorite month for several reasons. I like to birth things during February. Today makes 4 years since I dedicated my purpose to Gods work. Its been a lovely and suprising journey, each year unfolding in its own amazing and miraculous ways; each day bringing me closer and closer to my own divinity and communion with all the beauty, nature, harmony , love and divinity within and around me, each year clearing away the wounds and contracts of the past, each day bringing me something new to discover and explore. 

 As I sat outside today for meditation I bought with me a mixture of resins and african herbs to burn to commemorate, contemplate and celebrate this beautiful anniversary with God. Its only fitting that a green hummingbird would visit me on such a day. Hummingbirds symbolizing epic journeys, 4 symbolizing the foundation and structures of life and green symbolizing both the 4th chakra, Our Heart and Prosperity. Ive claimed Love and Abundance as my main themes for 2021. Healing our hearts for Expansion and Divine Union and knowing our true Abundance so that we can manifest from within to the outer, calling in what we match vibrationally. What we meditate on we always manifest. 🤍💚🤍💚🌻🤍💚🤍
Your Energy is Your MedicineAA137🤍🌈⭐💚

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