Spirit Prescription by AAA²

AAA² Oracle Readings

Messages from 3rd,4th & 5th Dimension

The Intention is to help people navigate through what seems to be chaotic, crazy and challenging. There are many dimensions to every story. Sometimes we need to adjust our focus, or change our seat to see what's going on behind the scenes. 

(How I understand 3D)

3rd Dimension

Earth~What we are physically seeing around us. What's manifesting in our lives, homes, families and The World.

Despite what we are seeing~What sense can we make of it all? Why is it all happening and seems to be more  spinning out of control each day?

There's always a wider picture in play. Avoid getting stuck in the lower frequencies and half stories that look and feel chaotic and crazy. There is a  sacred purpose behind this madness. Believe it or not, Chaos & Crazy are partners/characters in our evolution story! They act as catalyst and contrast for us to respond with more integrity, deeper observation, wiser understanding and initiate growth. 

What's happening around you now in the 3rd Dimension is to bring forth more:

💎Clarity & Dynamic Action,

💎Regeneration, Transcendence, & Excellence 

💎Sacred Responsibility & Service

💎Awareness, Mental Intention & Spiritual Evolution 

(How I understand 4D)

4th Dimension ~ One aspect of the forth dimension is that, it is the field of all our thoughts, imaginations and feelings. The 4th Dimensional field is a ceiling of the 3rd and a floor to the 5th. Everything is energy and energy is usually in motion. As we think and speak, that energy flows to the 4th dimensional doorways and finds a home~holding all our commands, ancestry, akash, curses, frustrations, fears, hopes and aspirations. Its also the route we sometimes travel through during our dream time and why the dream realm is full of magic, initiates manifestation, holds much mystery and reveals future mayhem.

What advice are we getting from this bridge of a dimension? 🌉🌉🌉🌉

🚪Infinite Wisdom

In moments of Doubt~ This too shall pass. 

🚪Ancient Wisdom

You will know when it arrives or it is in your presence. Open your mind and hearts to receive it.  Trust the wisdom, advice or instructions. Your intuition is always whispering to you. Trust it!

Engage in deeper studies and travel to immerse yourself in a subject or area that's calling you. Remember there's always something new to learn about yourself and life. 

🚪Abundance and Manifestation

The fruits of our labor are Manifesting. 

We have moved from the stage of "The Flowering" to the stage of "The Fruit".  

Notice now, the fruits that have manifested from your past labours. Observe all the fruits that are manifesting this year, know that they are a result of past intentions and actions.

Celebrate your achievements as well as make the needed adjustments if you don't like what's popping up. Life gives us everyday ~ to do something different and better serving. 

💎As you Give, so shall you Receive. 

(How I understand 5D)

5th Dimension~ Our collective higher selves,  Divine Intelligence and the eagle's view.  The What and Why of the unseen. The higher perspective. 

✨🪄✨The Shadows are showing us our paths to Grace. 

🌟Acceptance &Trust

"Recognize that we are moving through a passage way."

"Agree to be Open, to the messages we receive and trust that you are guided from within and beyond."

"Accept that this could be challenging since many of us do not trust ourselves enough to recognize authentic truth when we are in it's presence."

🌟Sacred Places and Earth Energies

Have respect and holding honor for people and cultures of many regions.

🌟Contrast & Choice

Know that Change Is Needed

"Have confidence that by the Grace of your inner light and the integrity of your intentions you will be guided toward right action."

"Make choices and act with genuine awareness in a situation you might rather avoid"

"From the stance of Grace and Confidence, know you are protected in your decisions for yourself and the for the good of all." 

I hope you enjoyed this sacred geometry journey into each dimension. The infinite journey to all dimensions is done through focused breathing, open mindsets, & expanded hearts.